Edward Young, Theia, Moon, collision, impact)
The Earth core is assumed to be a ‘’globe’’ with another smaller ‘’globe’’ in it; so far they are named as ‘’outer core’’ and ‘’inner core’’. This essay is to discuss about re-consideration to the core(s) on basis of updated information about gravity from NASA and some other space researching bodies.
How was the Earth established?
1-Gravity map with data observed by GRACE (Credited to NASA, updated on May 14th
The above Figure ‘’1’’ is re-built by the
real NASA data, which are harvested by some satellites in observing the Earth
gravity. The following is a quote from a title of NASA news:
joint –NASA-German Aerospace Centre Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
(GRACE) mission has released its first science product, the most accurate map
yet of Earth’s gravity field. GRACE is the newest tool for scientists working
to unlock secrets of ocean circulation and its effect on climate.
from 111 days of selected GRACE data to help calibrate and validate the
mission’s instruments, this preliminary model improves knowledge of the gravity
field so much it is being released to oceanographers now, months in advance of
the scheduled start of routine GRACE science operations. The data are expected
to significantly improve our ability to understand ocean circulation, which
strongly influences weather and climate.’’
Although the Earth has been established in
almost 4.5 billion years ago, since then there are lot of changes on the Earth;
nowadays it looks as a perfect sphere. But actually (by NASA gravity map in
figure 1) the evidence is still like alive despite the change in billions of
years. The present Earth is made out of 2 major parts:
2-Junction of 2 parts.
Junction is un-covered.
Despite there are bundles of hypothesis about
the Earth and Moon establishment, every of them claims recognition; this
evidence is to confirm the giant impact
hypothesis of Geologist Edward Young. The collision
between another planet and our primitive Earth left evidence behind, that is
junction, let’s go further with it.
3 - On-junction gravity is less than on-main-body one.
+Junction: The dark blue trace is nearly
about Earth’s longitude and getting through India, China and Russia over Artic…and
Atlantic is assumed to be the junction between the two mentioned parts. The
Gravity at Arctic and the channel between Argentine and Antarctic continent are
normal, this is another issue in the subject that requires more research.
+ On-junction gravity is less than
on-main-body: The gravity observed at junction or border between the two parts
(each gravity centre is belonging to a different part) is less than normal
Two vectors make the largest total when
the angle between them is 00, this is known to the world.
What we should debate is the tween
gravity-centre structure of our present Earth.
The tween gravity centre planet is made out
of a combination of one and the other, the annexation is assumed to be made by
collision; if it was not known to us before, it is debated today. The following
is a quote from Wikipedia dictionary:
By the Moon's origin
‘’The Moon is an astronomical
body that orbits planet Earth and is Earth's only permanent natural satellite. It is the
fifth-largest natural
satellite in the Solar System, and the largest among planetary satellites
relative to the size of the planet that it orbits (its primary). The Moon is after Jupiter's satellite LO,
the second-densest satellite in the Solar System among those whose densities are
Moon is thought to have formed about 4.51 billion years ago, not long
after Earth. The most
widely accepted explanation is that the Moon is formed from the debris left
over after a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body called Theia.’’
The above explanation is accepted and
certainly my argument is about it.
a)-More demonstration needed:
In addition to the assumed demonstration on
Wikipedia for Theia the following ‘’equation’’ can
explain a bit more on term of structure and power in the process:
4-My Earth Collision Equation
‘’a’’ is a planet (Theia)
or a huge comet in solar system.
‘’b’’ is our primitive Earth (in the shape
of recent found comet Rosetta, (ESA Image)).
‘’E’’ is denoted for the Earth with the
latest gravity data (NASA Image), mind that the Earth does not look like that
without water in the oceans.
‘’M’’ is the Moon, debris after collision.
b-Non-aligned or head-on collision:
Almost collision that happened when one
collider’s gravity centre locating on the same moving line with the other is
assumed as head-on collision; the followings are examples:
+Two bricks on rail.
+Two wagons on a rail.
+Two globes of pure material (un-pure
material globe may have gravity centre off from its geometric centre).
+Two pure cylinders standing straight
upward, one moves toward the other than hit.
Otherwise, the collisions that gravity
centre of one collider is not on the same moving line with the other, are
assumed as non-aligned. Consequence of non-aligned collision always includes a
moment or a change in spinning wise and speed.
5-Non-aligned collision
-The ‘’equation’’ in (Figure 4) is to
depict a process when a planet ‘’a’’ merges with planet ‘’b’’, the products are
present Earth and the Moon. The Earth after collision is not just in a new
shape, but also with new structure as following illustration:
6-New structure of our Earth
As assumption repeated more than twice, the
collision between Earth and Theia is head-on type, but actually there is rare
head-on collision but non-aligned one in natural reality. The reason is quite
simple that there is no perfect pure globe or cylinder found in nature, or the
way one moves along is always out of the way where the other moves along. On
the other hand, the shape of each is never a perfect square or perfect global
in nature…therefore, the head-on collision is hardly found, so every collision
leads to both deformation and spinning change, which is not debated in this
Although we have neither image of primitive
Earth nor the Theia, but have title to suppose that
each of them is a certain globe, so those two globes after collision might
become a combination as above illustration, where the part left by Theia
on our Earth is yellow or yellow half. The original core of Theia
and its gravity centre are eliminated after collision then a new gravity centre
of yellow half is established.
+Diamond is never produced in normal
condition but very high pressure and temperature. Notwithstanding, the diamonds
are found near Earth surface or even in open mines of Africa, those evidences
are indicating that Africa rock and soil used to be at very deep layer and
belonging to Theia planet. This argument may lead to
an assumption that there is still some diamond on Moon surface, this is quite
in a normal logic, but nobody can suggest where on the Moon is rich of
At present there are several hypothesises
explaining that the diamond of Africa is floated up from deep layer by impact
of collision or what so ever since billions years ago, while metal is always on
one way to Earth’s core without return, the diamond should be assumed to be on
the move of the same wise as metal.
+The lunar rocks and soil from Moon are stored at
NASA; although experiment in lab with them is facing some difficult, I believe
that they will be successful in proving that the relation between Moon and
Earth is substantial in the wise that rock and soil are common somewhere. The
sample rock, anyhow need to be collected from larger area on the Moon as well
as Earth surface.
-The gravity map issued by NASA reveals a‘’junction’’ which can be like a disk that created by the collision between our Earth and another planet, that used to be named as Theia (Wikipedia for Moon).
-The gravity centre of each is still viewed
as independent to the other; the junction disk is assumed as very hard to be
beaten through; at least there is no evidence of breaking through.
-The Earth’s core is in the junction of the
historic collision and approximately in the middle of Earth’s rotation axis.
The junction is a product of ‘’metallurgy’’ during colliding, it must be at good
heat conduction or heat transferring. For heat conduction, the evidence is that
the temperature at either the Northern or Southern Pole never been chilled to
-900C while it might be -1500 C in space near the Earth;
this fact is realized as the Poles are warmed up by the heat from Earth core.
Therefore, the Earth core is assumed as
cooler than all sides around.
Hanoi 29th June 2018
Nguyen Van Cuong