Thursday, 9 August 2018


(This article comprises of 3 parts: The first is, almost about the curl operator (likely a copy from manual book) and a half of Maxwell differential equation; the second and third parts are totally written by author. An important note is that the equation can be solved only with time and place; furthermore almost every quantity in the problem is vector. You can understand and debate more after reading through.)

I-                 Maxwell differential equation:

The equation set is named after the physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell.
Curl of B or

is a differential equation in the set of following several equations:

Figure 01-Set of Maxwell equations

From Maxwell-Faraday to Maxwell’s addition on Ampere, the relation between magnetic field and electric field is formulated. The consequence is that a magnetic field induces the electric field to change or vice versa. This is fundamental to electromagnetic wave theory, and by such pattern the electromagnetic wave is transmitted.

By mathematics manual, the equation is solved as following:
If a given ‘’B’’ is

The vector quantity ‘’B’’ is almost unique to any position in the world.
The curl of in the Cartesian coordinate is:

Where unit vector ‘’x’’ indicates that the value before it is on ‘’x’’ wise, or( is on ‘’x’’ direction or illustrating the functioning of By and Bz on ‘’x’’. It is ditto to ‘’y’’ and ‘’z’’ for each of 2 other directions.

The ‘’Curl of B’’ may be understood as B gradient with compositions on ‘’x’’, on ‘’y’’ and on ‘’z’’.
Since the mid-20th century, the Maxwell's equations are realized as giving out un-accurate result, ‘’but a classical limit of the fundamental theory of quantum electrodynamics.’’ An example of non-accurate result is its application to Earth Magnetism.

Notwithstanding, for the sake of explaining 24-hr E.M revolution, Ampere’s circuital law (with Maxwell’s addition) in differential equation is applied. That equation is to be reviewed.

 II-Problem of 𝜵*B=µ0*(J +Ɛ0δE/δt):

1-Twin graph of J and gradient of E:

The following graph is built out of real data that observed at Tirunelveli (South India). Both plots on this graph (gradient of atmospheric electric potential ‘’E’’ and density of air-earth current‘’J’’) are averaged in every minute; one is in proportion with the other (fig. 02).

Figure 2- The air-earth current ‘’J’’ is averaged in every minute, observed with Wilson antenna(broken line).The continuous line is performing the gradient of atmospheric potential that measured with passive antenna at Tirunelveli on 25 April 2007 (reference to Atmosphere Electric of NOAA).

After every 24hr interval, both ‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’ (refer to the graph of figure 2) vary and especially their fluctuation repeat (24hr) on global scale except at locales where some specific matter effects on those 2 figures.

We may ask whether the fluctuations of ‘’J’’ and ’’E’’ contribute to Earth Magnetism and explained by Ampere-Maxwell equation?

Definitely the answer must be ‘’yes’’, and it is right in the Wikipedia for ‘’Ampère's law with Maxwell's addition the Ampere rule with Maxwell addendum says that magnetism can be created by both electric current(Ampere) and changing electric fields. This statement affirms that the fluctuations of both ‘’E’’ (potential gradient) and ‘’J’’ displacement current are inducing Earth Magnetism.

For Earth Magnetism, the contribution from atmospheric electric is obviously as mentioned above. But we need more argument anyway, if the terrestrial magnetic field is belonging to one of an individual magnetic bar, the above mentioned reason for Earth Magnetism ‘’Electric field change’’ may be accepted as the major; or implies: the atmospheric electric potential and displacement current vary to induce Earth Magnetism.

Actually the Earth Magnetism is a set of fields that induced by the moving of many electric charges, definitely neither just the fluctuations ‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’ nor a field of such a powerful magnetic bar inside the Earth core. But the Earth is magnetized by magnetic fields and then the fields expand outward from the Earth.

Notwithstanding we do carry out an express review to Ampere-Maxwell once as to consider ‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’ in the graph on figure 2.

General description in brief:

-The homographic plots are built out of real data that observed at Tirunelveli (South India). Both two quantities, air-earth current and gradient of atmospheric voltage, are fluctuating, and its fluctuation is repeated after every 24 hrs.

-The horizontal line is for time that calibrated in 60 minutes (1hr.)or 1440 minutes in 24 hrs.
-Assumption: Each 60 minute segment equals to 1 segment of 10 V/m on vertical line that performs gradient of atmospheric voltage, meantime equals to ½ of a segment on another vertical line which performs the density of air-earth current.

The world scientists spend a lot of time to debate about this problem, eventually they all recognise what happened as realities. I do explain about this question in ‘’Chapter I’’ of the book: ‘’the Earth Magnetism and some basic problems with sea-land surface, atmosphere, Van-Allan bell and Moon’’. The explanation in there also implies that the above graph may changes a bit in accordance with the change of position of the Sun relative to the Earth.

-The above graph is to apply worldwide because the data are recognised as the same for everywhere in the world. 

-There are always, within 24 hrs., 2 moments when air-earth current almost reaches zero while potential gradients are still hung at 100V/m or a bit better (the minute 175th and minute 785th). The plots are built of real data, therefore they don’t look similar to any standard graph such as Sin, Cos or Tg...

-There are many parts of those plots likely straight, some of the straight line is forward slash while some other is backward slash.
Figure 04- ‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’plots-Red colour column indicate‘’rising up’’,
while the grey is for falling down.

My way is to attribute a certain straight line to each part of ‘’E’’ plot. Seek for specific differentiation of potential gradient of ‘’E’’ on ‘’t’’ (time) in that part (  ).
Some tiny problem will be setup and sorted out during Q&A.

Q1-When does 𝛛E/𝛛t reach 0 in each 24hr interval?
Throughout a 24hr interval, the ‘’E’’ and ‘’J’’ graphs are rising up and falling down many times, the values of 𝛛E/𝛛t at every peak and every bottom are zero because where the tangent line are horizontal or parallel to (t) line.

Figure 05 –At every peak or bottom, the value of 𝛛E/𝛛t may reach Zero

Approximately 𝛛E/𝛛t may reach zero value at the following times 60, 90, 180, 400, 510, 640, 785, 1085, 1145, 1265th minutes.

When 𝛛E/𝛛t reaches zero, the value of 𝜵*may be considered as function of ‘’J’’ only:


As matter of facts, in the circumstances when 𝛛E/𝛛t=0, when 𝜵*B= µ0*J; the value of ‘’J’’ plays no important role, while the trend of electric field does. Refer to figure 04 above, right after minutes 179-180th, or at 510th, 785th, 1145th the value of 𝜵*B or gradient of B almost rocketing of falling down sharply.

Q2-The value of 𝜵*B at minute 960th GMT (The popular slope within 24hrs.)?

On figure 4, the minute 960th is belonging to a red part of the graph, it is rising. To solve this problem, we need the homographic graph for ‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’ (From NOAA), with some additional lines on it.

+We can find the value of ‘’J’’ at minute 960th by drawing a vertical-straight line through 960, we get Nand M when it meets the plot of ‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’.

From N, draw a horizontal line parallel with time line, it meets O’E’ at K; Position of K on O’E’ is to indicate value of ‘’J’’ which is approximately 0.62*10-12 Amp/m2.

+From M, graph of gradient E is approximately on a line that meets time line at D(approximately it is t=730). The line in 2D coordinates should be:

+In order to find out 𝛛E/𝛛t, we consider a function of ‘’E’’ in the form y=ax+b at minute 960 GMT.
E=at+b (‘’t’’ is short for ‘’time’’), a=tg (MDH)) (This function is set up for M and its adjacency only).

𝛛E/𝛛t = a (Applied for the function of E=at+b).
Figure 6-Gradient E and displacement J with some additional lines at minute 960th.

The point M is chosen at a positive part of (forward and popular slope) of 24hr plot of gradient ‘’E’’.The line MD coincide with a part of the above plot and its function is: y=ax+b.

We got to set and solve a problem.With t=960, E=Em≈168 V/m and whent=730th, E=80 V/m. The results are:

a≈(168-80)/(960-730)=0.3826 and b≈-199.296

Thus, the function for E at t=960thcan be:

E=0.3826t - 199.296

Value of 𝛛E/𝛛t=0.3826 (indicates the slope of the line tangent to a curve at the intended point). The function for E as mentioned is applicable to the point M and its adjacencies only. For other parts of that plot, both ‘’a’’ and ‘’b’’ will be attributed with some different values.

With ‘’J’’=0.62 pA*m-2 at t=960 (1 pAmp/m2=10-12 Amp/m2, µ0=4π*10-7, Ɛ0 =5*10-15 (average between 3*10-15and8*10-15. Furthermore, we should note that 1 pA=10-12 Ampere).

𝜵*B=µ0*(J +Ɛ0* )=4π*10-7*(0.62*10-12+5*10-15*0.3826)=


This is value of 𝜵*B at minute 960th GMT on daily basis.
-The value of 𝜵*Bat minute 960th GMT is found as an example that indicates that we are capable to find out value of 𝜵*B at any time in a day. As long as ‘’E’’ and ‘’J’’ fluctuate with 24hr revolution, the value of 𝜵*B does the same, and it can be considered as daily revolution of Earth Magnetism.

Q3-When and where we find 𝜵*B<0?

𝜵*B=µ0*(J +Ɛ0δE/δt)

Let’s solve this problem:

If (J +Ɛ0* )<0
Then < -J/Ɛ0

When the value of ‘’E’’ is falling down, definitely  δE/δt  <0, but this problem requires a certain ‘’J’’.
The quantity ‘’J’’ varies within 0 and 1.25*10-12, while Ɛdoes not change often, we supposed that
Ɛ0 is average between 3*10-15 and 8*10-15, and assumed as 5*10-15.

When ‘’J’’ is rather high, let’s consider J=1.25*10-12 Amp/min our example, then: Then ≈-250, this is a slope of the ray that nearly vertical downward (890 43’).

If we consider ‘’J’’ at sometimes when its value is low, such as the duration from minute 150th to minute 160th, J   0.05*10-12 Amp/m2. The same calculation as above is applied, we obtain:
≈-10, equivalent to tg of an angle 84015’ downward.

Figure 6a-Angle of 84015’ downward.

In brief, we can realize that the lower ‘’J’’ the more possible for 𝜵*B<0. Nonetheless, no matter how much the value of 𝜵*gets lower under zero, this is to indicate that the amplitude of Earth Magnetism is getting down due to the fluctuation of displacement current ‘’J’’ and potential gradient ‘’E’’, they expect to be the same in the next day; and nothing else about the average of Earth Magnetic Magnitude.

Anyhow, this is not more than a calculation for 𝜵*B,some more attract our attention are the sources that induce the Earth Magnetism, someone are from the electric charges on the Earth and in the atmosphere;while some other ones are in Near Earth Space.

Q3-How is the influence from potential gradient ‘’E’’ and displacement current ‘’J’’ to Earth Magnetism?

By Maxwell, as matter of facts, the variation of electric field can induce the magnetism. We even do some review for questions 1 and 2. However, for a better pragmatic concept, another figure is to be considered: The fluctuation of total area of thunderstorm in the world.

Figure 7–The fluctuation of global thunderstorm area (km2).

Almost every electric and magnetic incident in the world is created and developed by‘’J’’ and ‘’E’’ as discussed in several paragraphs before, and even in this essay. But the conspicuous subject is the total area of thunderstorm in the world, the figure 7 above is an important reference from NOAA.

In general, the fluctuation of total thunderstorm area in above graph is explained as consequence of ‘’E’’ and ‘’J’’ fluctuation, the displacement current ‘’J’’ variation makes the value of charge on Earth surface changed, and then one place is different from the other. Consequently, the charge on land surface contributes to Earth Magnetism (Chapter I-Air-Earth current and Chapter II-Contributions from Land & Sea surfaces to Earth Magnetism by Biot-Sawart laws.)

The move that makes the electric charge on the Earth surface changed in order to change the Earth Magnetism at all time.

(Problem (this can be a reference to student or lecturer): The contributions from sea surface and land surface to Earth Magnetism at 13hrs GMT? If The Earth is neutral or total charges on land surface and sea surface is null, every land square km under thunderstorm cloud is charged with 106 Coulomb.)

Q4 – Is any electromagnetic wave created from atmosphere electric?

Electric field fluctuation is to induce magnetic field and vis-a-versa. This is traditional electromagnetic theory in science, it is also fundamental theory of electromagnetic wave transmission, and it is known to the world.

By the theory mentioned above, the fluctuation of electric field described in figure 2 can be viewed as an oscillation which produces one or several electromagnetic waves. The waves are emitted into universe with such a huge power that nothing can stop or consume them all…

The electromagnetic wave detectors on board spaceship can realize these waves from Earth.

Figure 8-Basic frequency (Left)and the form of original wave (Right) incorporated in 1 coordinate for comparison(Cited from Fourier manual)

All waveforms, no matter what you scribble or observe in the universe, are actually just the sum of simple sinusoids of different frequencies.(Fourier)

My own speculation, the 2 obvious waves can be detected from outer space are wave of Tk1*640’, and Tk2*1600’are popular with huge output regardless the capacitor-coil are found or not.

Figure 9 – Principal description of electromagnetic wave creator.


-Although the homograph of E and J are applied everywhere in the world.
-Although the differential equation of Ampere-Maxwell does not bring us an accurate outcome for Earth Magnetic magnitude at any time. But the gradient of Earth Magnetism (𝜵*B=µ0*(J +Ɛ0*δE/δt)) at any time is found throughout every 24hrs to affirm that: if revolution of the two quantities (E and J) is 24 hr. time, then the revolution of Earth Magnetism revolution is 24hr too.

There are several magnetic inducers to Earth Magnetism found, therefore every calculation depending on functions of atmospheric electric field and displacement current can’t bring satisfactory result. So, we can’t claim Ampere-Maxwell equation a perfect instrument for predicting the current value of Earth Magnetism.

Another reason for above negative comment is that the Earth Magnetic vector does not just vary in time, but also at location where the vector is observed; while Ampere-Maxwell may give out a result that depends only on GMT.

-Although the fluctuation of ‘’E’’ and ‘’J’’ –as above considered with Ampere-Maxwell equations--may influence to Earth Magnetism ambiguously. But consequence of the fluctuation--the thunderstorm area--is an important figure that contributes enormously to Earth Magnetism and makes it varying with revolution of 24hr (discussed in chapter III).

-The Earth in its atmosphere with Ion layers establish a unit in the universe, that unit is creating electromagnetic waves and emitting them into the universe.

I hope that one day, a certain satellite in outer space will detect those emitting waves; these are created by nature and from Earth. Unlike the known waves from Earth, these mentioned waves are produced in Earth atmosphere with unknown output. The waves are produced continuously, unlimited power and non-stoppable. They are voices broadcasting from our Earth.


Hanoi Nov. 30th 2018
Nguyen Van Cuong
Advisor/Editor: Phd. Vu Bang

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