Sunday, 10 March 2019


Dear  Readers,

You are welcome here to share my view, my way in scientific research.

-Where a mass is, there is a gravity field around.
-Where an electric charge is, there is an electric field around.
-Where a magnet is, there is a magnetic field around.                                                                                

Nonetheless, on the reverse wise of the above statement:

‘’Where a magnetic field is available, there is a magnet in it’’ creates a long debate; especially about Earth Magnetism. The debate does not just take a decade, it is prolonging in centuries.

I am not writing about an analogue to this: ‘’Where a mass is, there is a gravity field around’’; but basically I argue about Earth Magnetism that the field of Earth Magnetism is made out of the moves of many electric charges, then the Earth core or anything else is magnetized, reciprocally the apparent Earth Magnetic field is seen.

I trust and I am backed by a rule that ‘’Where an electric charge moves, there is a magnetic field to be induced’’, because that’s how the Earth Magnetism is built. The material in a magnetic field can be magnetized, as Faraday’s Law of Magnetic Induction did point out in history.

The way I go along is the way I share my view with you.
Although the problems and solutions in this book are quite theoretical but every assumption and solution depends on real data from many different researchers in the world. The work costs me decades.

Where are those electric charges? That is a question, and I got to find out the electric charges on the Earth, in atmosphere and in the space near our Earth.

This book ‘’The basic problems for Earth Magnetism’’ contains problems and solution to each of them.

The major theory used in this book is Biot-Savart and Ampere-Maxwell. The data used in this book are findings of NOAA, NASA and from many other data sources in the world.

The book is broken down into two major parts; the first is for problems of charges on Earth. The charge on Earth is realized long ago such as charged cloud and its opposite patch on Earth surface. I am not the first who figures out the charges, but a person who connects the area of world’s charged (thunder) cloud with air-earth current in every 24hr of our Earth rotation, even if no direct equation is given out for Earth Magnetism.

As matter of facts, the Earth is rotating around its own axis. Therefore every charge on it can induce magnetism to Earth.
Several people keep questioning me about the move of electric charge, I don’t respond directly to their question but hint that whether the speed 462 m/s of everything at Earth’s equator makes sense to them?!

The second part is for external charge such as one on Van Allen Belt and the other is on Moon. The charge on any of those above is obviously assumed, but depending on a reality that there is almost no absolutely neutral object found, which is neither negative nor positive. The principal: ‘’The more sun light strikes on an object surface, the more electrons it loses’’ did lead Albert Einstein to his invention of solar cell. The mentioned invention leads to assumption that the Moon has two opposite semi -spheres, the shined one is positive charged while the dark one is definitely negative. That is not it; the Moon is even not neutral or balanced in electric charge but is also lacking electrons. Lunar total charge may be positive sometime and keeps changing due to the change of solar radiation. My assumption does encounter a lot, certainly, critics. A predominant question is also a hint that if an object lacks of electron, its ambiance will provide electron; if the object is rich of electrons, the protons from its ambiance will come to balance it. This question actually is still in the invention of Albert Einstein.

The last major question in my debate with other people is ‘’Why do the magnetic poles stay away from Earth’s true poles?’’, although I mentioned in the preamble that I never work with rotors or anything inside the Earth. But I do propose a non-professional answer that each plate is a huge magnet in general Earth Magnetic field; the poles in apparent Earth Magnetic field are shaped by the total of every individual magnetic field of all continents and plates. Definitely, many people are not satisfied with such a non-professional answer and go forward with another question that the North magnetic pole is drifting toward Russia, and the drifting is the beginning of flipping which will happen in 1000 year time, can charge move help to stop it? Although this book is not written about the magnetic pole flipping, and I don’t believe in the conclusion that the magnetic pole drifting; but anyway I point out that the African continent is moving northward as fast as 8 inches/year. Look at our Earth again; we may realize that Americas continent is Earth’s back bone while Africa and Euro-Asia are moving northward, whereby Africa is much faster than Euro-Asia.

Certainly many people are not satisfied with my answer; they have no choice but wait to read the research result from world scientists who study that subject.

For the 1st publishing on Amazon Kindle, I would like to give ‘’I-Biot-Sawart’’ expression for anyone who attempts to calculate how much an electric charge on Earth surface can contribute to Earth Magnetism.

In order to apply I-Biot-Sawart expression, we need to have value of electric charge (q) and a table of distance to Earth rotation axis (the ‘’r’’).

With I-Biot-Sawart (Interpolated Biot-Sawart), we can state that: if I am given with a charge and its position on our global coordinates, I can calculate right away how much that charge contributes to Earth Magnetism.

This publishing is bearing in it a great thank to the Late Professor Nguyen Dinh Noan, and PhD Vu Bang for encourage and great help during I study this subject.

Thank for your kind attention.

Ho Chi Minh City March 9, 2019 
NV Cuong

1 comment:

  1. At start point, I was rather self-confident with Cambridge Business English educated by Cambridge teachers. The more I write, the more I realize that my own English is far from enough. Nonetheless, by learning hard from forerunners, I did it. The book is written, it is the maiden work I make in English.
